CyberWarfare: Law Enforcement Strikes Back

CYBER INTELLIGENCE REPORTCyber Intelligence ReportThis report contains selected cyber-security information from 27th January to 8th February 2024.David Swan Director, CSCIS Cyber Intelligence Defence Centre (CIDC)Publisher – CSCIS / David Swan, Director CIDCRelease : 8th February 2024 ContactFor more information on a specific, program, topic, project or media queries contact the CSCIS Office of Communications.Emailmedia@cscis.orgFollow UsFind…

Cyberwarfare: Russia vs Ukraine : Russian Cyber Ops Falter

CYBER INTELLIGENCE REPORTCyber Intelligence ReportCyber-security information from 24th February 2022 to 14th April 2023.David Swan Director, CSCIS Cyber Intelligence Defence Centre (CIDC)Publisher – CSCIS / David Swan, Director CIDCRelease – 14th April 2023. ContactFor more information on a specific, program, topic, project or media queries contact the CSCIS Office of Communications.Emailmedia@cscis.orgFollow UsFind us on:Facebook page…


Asia Pacific ContactFor more information on a specific, program, topic, project or media queries contact the CSCIS Office of Communications.Emailmedia@cscis.orgFollow UsFind us on:Facebook page opens in new windowTwitter page opens in new windowYouTube page opens in new windowLinkedin page opens in new windowInstagram page opens in new windowSoundCloud page opens in new windowLatestCyber Intelligence: Deprioritizing…

Richard Zaluski

Richard W. ZaluskiFounder, President and CEOEXPERTISE // National Level Cyber Security, Cyber Defense Policy, Cybersecurity + Security Technology, Technologies and Cyber Warfare, Cyber Intelligence, Cyber Conflict + Policy, International Cyber Strategy. Richard Zaluski is Founder, Chairman, President, CEO, Centre for Strategic Cyberspace + International Studies / CSCIS with 24 years of experience in ICT and…