CSCIS’s international work encompasses a wide range of disciplines, from cybersecurity, cybercrime + terrorism, intelligence, policy, and security to emerging technologies, artificial intelligence, and the critical challenges in a dynamic digital world.
CSCIS’s research and programs spans a broad range of cyber issues informed by diverse research methods and tailored to meet specific needs. These attributes collectively distinguish CSCIS’s value to stakeholders, clients, grantors, donors, and employees, along with policymakers and the general public. Our scope covers the world’s major regions as well as the critical issues influencing and impacting today’s global cyberspace issues.
Drawing upon staff and decades of experience, CSCIS provides analytics, cyber, policy, cybersecurity and research services, that include innovative thinking to the global community that includes government agencies, foundations, academia and the private-sector.
Capabilities + Planning
Proper planning and processes based on capabilities enables organizations to identify cyber and policy issues, programme requirements, allocate and adopt resources, monitor activities, as well as focus on objectives, and outcomes. CSCIS develops methodologies and tools to assist organizations in evaluating their resources, equipment, and relationships with clients, partners, technologies, and other capabilities.
Capabilities-Based Planning / Key Factors
- Provide an approach to incorporate threat, technological, policy, risk, and operational uncertainties.
- Inform security decisionmaking across a wide range of challenges within operational, cyber, cybersecurity, and policy constraints.
// Trusted and independent source of expertise, analysis, and experience
CSCIS often works side-by-side with decision makers, applying knowledge, and expertise the highest standards for objectivity to ensure independent, dependable, and practical recommendations.
// World-class talent matched to critical issues, problems and requirements
CSCIS’s multi-disciplinary staff, deep in expertise and applied experience, develop and apply the latest methodologies, tools, standards, and technologies, to solve complex policy issues, and problems across the cyberspace landscape.
// Commitment to advancing cyber + security
CSCIS’s research and work extends to include a commitment to dissemination of results and the skill development and transfer, tools, and knowledge. CSCIS efforts aim improve decision making, and advancement of policy based on and independent view and a sound understanding of the issues in cyberspace.