CSCIS’s international work encompasses a wide range of disciplines, from cybersecurity, cybercrime + terrorism, intelligence, policy, and security to emerging technologies, artificial intelligence, and the critical challenges in a dynamic digital world.
CSCIS provides services to globally including North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia that assist the with cyber research, technology, Innovation + assessment, programme evaluation, strategic planning, policy analysis, intelligence, and development.
The digital world is complex and interconnected. As a result, decision makers and organizations globally find themselves seeking answers to difficult cybersecurity strategies + questions:
- How can we develop policies and programmes that align with our goals and objectives
- Which cybersecurity, policy, programme, and infrastructure investments will have the greatest impact
- Are the policy, security, risk, intelligence, and technology programmes we support producing desired (security) results?
- How can we forecast and plan for long-term cyberspace + security investments + requirements?
CSCIS and our work has spanned a wide range of disciplines, from cyber policy, international cybersecurity issues, threat and intelligence assessments to social policy to public internet security.
Federal + Agencies Services
From healthcare to energy and critical infrastructures, the range of cyber issues facing agencies has expanded dramatically as the world becomes more dynamic and interconnected. Decision makers find themselves seeking answers to challenging questions, such as:
- How can we operate more robustly and efficiently?
- How can we best respond to governance mandates
- How can we effectively deliver services to the public sector and constituent groups
- How can we prioritize cyber with mission goals and critical information assets in the face of limited resources?
- Are the policy, security, risk, intelligence, and technology programmes we support producing desired (security) results?
- How can we anticipate and plan for and anticipate change
CSCIS and our work has spanned a wide range of disciplines, from cyber policy, international cybersecurity issues, threat and intelligence assessments to social policy to public internet security.
Supporting Local Decision makers
With limited budgets + challenges posed by policy and governance changes, local governments and community organizations must address critical issues in cyber. Decision makers find themselves seeking answers to challenging questions, such as:
- How to set cyber policy priorities?
- How do we deal with Government mandates and oversight?
- How can we deliver services more securely?
- How can we improve and advance the quality of cybersecurity programs?
- How can we manage our cybersecurity more effectively?
- What does research tell us about what works to address our distinctive set of cyber and policy issues?
Much of our work focuses on policy, emerging technologies, security, innovation, and associated cyber challenges facing regions, governments, and NGOs around the world by anticipating future security requirements.